I don't have enough pictures printed of any one event right now to do a two page spread so, I went with what I had and just used the left hand page of the two page sketch up at Sketch Support this week. Be sure to head to the site HERE and check out what all the other gals have done. Today, along with yours truly's, are all the single page takes.
I love this line from American Crafts!! It's perfect for boy pages. Anything masculine but not cutesy. The cutesy pages are becoming useless for me. This fellow of mine is growing up and cute dump trucks and airplanes are not suitable for him anymore!
Check out that embossed Core in amongst all the tags on the left! Doesn't it go perfectly with the paper?! I had a good little chuckle at my brilliance!! LOL!! Eye spy some Ormolu in there too!! It's been funny to observe the things that I have in my stash which I use sparingly. Such as the Ormolu. The things that I really, really like and aren't easy to come by. Or my Aussie chipboard.
These pictures were taken during Spring Break last year. The morning after the big hurricanes swept through the mid-Atlantic states. We had narrowly missed being involved. We weren't so sure we were getting into this museum as it was closed the first time we went to the door. I can't quite remember how it played out but we did end up there, obviously. And we had a blast!! Do you remember the sock hockey layout I did for a Sketch Support blog hop? That was at this same place!! Good times, good memories!
Thanks for stopping by!! Until next time...
This is very cheerful and eyecatching - and I love your strip of tags held in place with the yellow: happy!
Posted by: Alexa | Friday, 10 February 2012 at 03:23 PM