Yet another fantastic sketch is up at Sketch Support this week. If you are a two page do'er, lover, person, then be sure to head over to the blog and check it out. This particular sketch would be fantastic for those of you doing Project Life. All those fantastic October Afternoon journal cards in the 2.5 x 3 spots would be perfect! Hmmm.... more ideas now running through my tired, weary head!
No, you are not seeing double! LOL! This is, indeed, a layout previously displayed before. I used this month's sketch to make a TaDa layout. This, however, is a better picture of the layout! And, yes, it is still un-journaled... Like my word? I made it up just now!
Please note how this close up picture does not feature any blobby fat in purple swim suit! I can't believe I am putting this layout out there for the world to see...
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