Today is marks the beginning of the 2014-2015 school for my kidlets! And to celebrate, I have a current, yes, shock, I know!, layout to share with you of my youngest on "Meet the Teacher" day. This is a Project Life style layout as I have decided that I will create a pocket page for each year.
Inspired by Kerri Bradford and a recent post she had on her blog about using numbers, I created the Grade 3 cut file myself. There is a similar file for Nikolas for Grade 6. I actually intended to attach Grades K through 6 today for download but I have to figure out a better way of getting the files labeled and condensed.
There is a the primary color paletes here as well as banners and Core'dinations! I really just used up scraps for this layout and random bits and pieces that I had laying around.
I did create two other digital files for this spread as well; the "handwriting" 4x3 card in which Mia wrote her name as well as the "all about me" card that you see most of on the right hand side of the picture above. Like the grade, I used these on Nikolas' page as well. I just haven't had a chance to edit the pics and insert them into his page.
The school bus pictures were a stroke of luck; we were walking into school and happened to be entering via the bus loop where this school bus sat to introduce Kindergartner's to the big yellow bus. I had Mia pose quickly beside it while little one's were touring the inside of the bus.
Download the 4x6 green topper "All About Me" file HERE
Download the 4x6 blue topper "All About Me" file HERE
Insert the 4x3 Handwriting card HERE
You will surely see more "back to school" pics of my two in future layouts. There are still pictures to be taken! Like those of the "actual" first day, the first day of school cake (which is cooling in the kitchen, awaiting icing), and first day of school homework.
Thanks for peeking in today! I hope you enjoy the PL cards I created! If you use them, please give credit where credit is due and be sure to share your projects! You could link up in the comments or on my FaceBook page! Be sure to come back soon for my free downloadable cut files!
These are lovely and I like your bright page ... I am impressed that your lovely daughter knows already that she wants to be a marine biologist!
Posted by: Alexa | Wednesday, 03 September 2014 at 04:19 PM
Thanks so much for the free downloads! Think I'm going to make some kind of project for my granddaughters to make their mom for Christmas. They can fill out What I Want To Be & then she'll have something to look back at & smile.
Again thanks so much for sharing your talents.
Posted by: Linda Storey | Wednesday, 03 September 2014 at 11:52 AM