We all face them in life, some curves are longer than others and some just never end... Today's layout is about both my Learning Curve with Power School and Nikolas' Learning Curve with grades, studying and homework!
Our public school district has this lovely app called PowerSchool. It allows me, enables me, to keep track of my middle schooler's grades. The photo above is a screen shot of a partial day during the first quarter of 7th grade, earlier this school year. This is the first year that the mobile app has been available. Last year we had to log onto the site and log on every time we wanted to be informed of just how well (or not) one's child was doing.
This has been the bane of my existence. And his too, I imagine. Once upon a time, back in the dark ages, parents were aware of grades when report cards came home and generally were none the wiser. There is a part of me that wishes I was back in the dark. Because what these grades is doing to my blood pressure is unhealthy...
Interestingly, when Nikolas saw this layout sitting on my scrap desk as it was created, he asked me if I had to use that picture. When I inquired why, his response "because it has a C, that's really not great". I refrained from wrapping my hands around his throat and telling him that this is what I have been concerned about all along!... See, he really doesn't care. Or at least, showed no signs of caring prior to his knowledge of this becoming somewhat public knowledge. He was perfectly content with the TWO (not just the one you see here) C's and felt that his minimal effort and poor study habits are just fine. Those are his exact words; "it's just fine". It would be just fine if he were an average student, I could accept that. He's got so much more potential than that. And C's in high school level courses will not get him into the colleges he might think he wants to go to further on down the road.
Oh! The joys of parenting!
I pulled all the reds and blacks from the Star Student collection from Bella Blvd for this layout. Coincidently, they happen to be the colors of the middle school that Nikolas attends. While I love all the colors in the collection, I didn't want a vast color palate as the picture tended to get lost amongst that hive of activity that many colors brings.
It look me a while to stumble upon this title. I often will complete the layout with no title in mind but have a spot reserved for it. I even texted a scrappy buddy for help but her suggestions didn't really stand out either. They were good suggestions, just not "the" one. A few hours later while cooking dinner, the thought came to me. I'm glad I waited as this is really so fitting.
Layers, layers and more layers. That circle sticker has the most adorable owl underneath it. Unfortunately, all his multi colored goodness was too eye catching for my red and black layout. Really wanting sometime more to embellish the layout with, the scalloped edge was perfect, I just needed to further embellish so things would coordinate. I like the trio created by the small round picture of Nikolas, the scalloped circle and the apple poking out from the side of the star background paper.
So there you have it my friends, my creative process as well as a few of our learning curves! Just another facet of life and another beauty of scrapping; the way it might make a point that other conversations in life don't. I really didn't know he cared until he said something upon seeing this layout.
Wonderful page and nice to hear the story behind the layout
Posted by: Lyne Schnable-Blodgett | Friday, 26 February 2016 at 09:53 PM