Welcome to day 3 of my 2016 December Daily! I almost have today finished too. It's been such fun to work on. The true test of my "sticking" ability will come during the week when I've working and shuttling kids around.
Day 3 is actually night 3. We went up to Doswell to see the Illuminate Light Show that is at Meadow Event Park. We have never been before so this was a lovely treat and a nice way to spend time together. It is definitely more impressive live and capturing the experience in a moving vehicle (no tripod and no stopping allowed) while driving down largely gravel road proved a challenge!
The left hand page of this spread is, you might recall, the back side of a chipboard tabbed divider. Ugh... The black of the photo really required me to push the picture to the edge and not trim it as I had on the front side. I also had to be mindful of bulky embellishments on the opposing page as there isn't a protective cover to the picture and I don't want the photo scrapped by anything. I toyed with typed journaling on the page but found it distracting and omitted it. This ends up being a very simple page leaving the emphasis on the picture.
The infamous square pockets a plenty that I both loathe and love! I love the idea of transparency and the peek into the day to come. Filling all those squares with purpose often proves challenging as you have to think of both sides. I think, having begun day 4, that I will end up filling one of those frames. Probably the red hounds tooth one. I don't have frames that I can back for the other side so the problem is really the backside. I quite like the striped pocket card you see from Day 4 through the gold frame, it adds to the color of day 3. The split in the day 4 divider behind the hounds tooth frame bothers me. I didn't realize how much until I took these pictures. I want something on the kraft tag in that center pocket, I just didn't have "the" thing and didn't want to spend a lot of time searching. So, it will stay as it is for now and perhaps once the month is complete I will go in and touch up.
If you haven't done this before or haven't succeeded it completing it, I cannot stress to you enough how much more manageable this project is with completed foundation pages. You don't HAVE to leave things where they are but the concept of a book makes this mammoth task so much more enjoyable and less complicated. Another thing I have found very useful in the working of my first few days is to have a basket/bucket/tub or some container of embellishments that compliment your color scheme and leave everything else be. If you contain yourself, you are less likely to get distracted by all the pretty things and focus on the task at hand.
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