This is a long overdue post of another double page spread! Created from a Tuesday Morning kit that I put together about two weeks ago which I shared in a video HERE. I gathered bits and pieces from various trips to Tuesday Morning and printed these photos to do with the goodies and set about creating. I have not created a sketch to accompany the layout however if there is enough interest, I am happy to create a sketch. Just let me know in the comments.
The way this layout turned out and what I had originally planned in my head are two different things, not surprisingly. There are green papers as part of the collection and originally I was going to incorporate more of the green. Even use it to cut out the tree. However the business of the patterns in the patterned paper would have detracted from the intricacy of the cut file and the ornaments wouldn't have popped as they do here. I love the way the green tree pops the green in the photos!
One of the great things about these haul kits is that you get to mix and match and create your own kit. I build my kits based on colors, trying to create an equal mix of patterned papers with bold and small prints as well as different mix of embellishments. I love creating my own kits.
The simplicity of these ornaments hanging in the corner adds a wonderful touch of the holidays and festivity to the layout, don't you think?
That, my friend, is it for today. A quick and simple layout with just enough complexity to capture your interest and use up some stuff and a few photos to share a very special evening shared between father and daughter! If you are of the process video watching variety, be sure to swing by my YouTube channel and you can see how the whole thing comes together! It's not too long either!
Thanks for stopping in today!
My goodness, your young ones are growing up fast! The touches of black and white really sharpen the red and green - I like those dipped letters too! You always put such a lot of fine detail into your pages...
Posted by: Alexa | Thursday, 27 December 2018 at 06:42 AM