With the end of the month approaching, uncertainty wraps it's dubious arms around me...
- things are slowing down at work, being a PRN employee, my hours are being cut. Which means my scrappy budget gets cut!! BUT, lets, turn this into a positive, my ability to show up at the gym and work out will increase!! That's a good thing. A fantastic thing. Time to start working out and working on the demise of my body image and waist line...
- The Midget turns 6! I can only imagine what that age will bring with it if 5 is as it is... 'Nuff said!
- The school year is wrapping up (Nikolas is taking SOL's!!). I have yet to finalize summer plans for these children... Sure, we have some of this and some of that going on. Mostly swimming somethings. By this time, I usually have the grand master plan all laid out down to the finite details. Not so much... I am incredibly unorganized this year... Honestly, I feel, scatter brained...
That said, here's my layout for this week;

While filing layouts last night, I realized that I wrote the wrong year on this layout... Belle arrived a couple of months after this date. These pictures were taken this year!! Speaking of filing, the bookcase is full!! I have my albums on a bookcase in the "formal living room" AKA playroom, right by the front door. It's strategic, in part. God forbid anything happen, you know what's going first. You understand the cryptic speak so as not to jinx anything too, right?!
I love the color combination!! That "vintage" Girls Paperie paper has been sitting on my frame stand for months waiting for the right pictures to trot along. Well, here they are! Not what I had in mind, mind you. I distinctly remember upon first oogling this paper thinking baby Mia. Not quite!!

Allison's sketch originally called for banners below that horizontal strip. I like the way the lace doily stamp mimiced the banners and added that dark color contrast. It takes the black of Belle and draws your eye across the page.

The clothes line of layered banners! A slight variation from what the sketch calls for. Love it!! Banners are everywhere right now! In all shapes and sizes. I hope I will be as fond of them and the look on the page 10 years from now... See, more uncertainty! Not true, I like them now. I will have to believe that I'll like them 10 years from now.
If you want to download this month's 1 page sketch, be sure to pop by Sketch Support.
So, where are your albums stored? Do you have a reason for that placement?
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