Did you see that the latest and greatest issue of Scrapbook Generations' CREATE magazine is out? Did you happen to catch that is also the LAST issue of this superb FREE magazine?!... :( I fully support Debbie and her writing and just know she will write an outstanding story. I can't wait to read it!
If you are looking for the full magazine, here's the link; http://issuu.com/sgcreate/docs/create_-_issue_17_-_november_2015/205?e=10435885/31412839
I have projects on pages 20, 64, 98 and 108 of this issue. Two layouts, a card and a tag. You will find them below. There are also 4 inspirational sketches created by Allison and Debbie in the magazine that are worth downloading!
The above layout is about using mixed media on your layouts with quick mini tutorials on the "how's" of what each of us did. I smooshed Faber Castell gelatos on my an acrylic block, misted it up and smooshed the color onto cardstock. The new Elle's Studio winter/Christmas collection colors are perfectly suited to this picture of Mia shoving Belle's reindeer antlers on her...
The above pocket page filled the bill for the color challenge. Not your typical Christmas colors but sublime for these pictures of Nikolas and I before heading out to the Holly Ball for Cotillion. The yellow'ish color I interpreted more as a yellow gold.
When it comes to sketches, I'm either literally or rather liberal! This card and the tag to follow I went rather literal. Not much variation. I am not much of a card or tag maker so literal works for me. The "Pumpkin Spice" collection from Simple Stories that I used above is just about one of my favorite Thanksgiving/fall collections of all time!
Some more great Simple Stories used to interpret another great tag sketch! I cut the tag size down so as to be able to use it in a pocket scrapping project, possibly even my December Daily this year.
Those are my CREATE creations for the November issue! Be sure to swing by the Scrapbook Generation site and check out the other amazing projects from the talented design team. Thanks for stopping in today!
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