It's been a big week for Nikolas! 4th graders are allowed to ride their bikes to school, a big milestone in a grade schooler's life! And though school has been in session for almost a month, time hasn't allowed for the practice. Practice riding a bike with a backpack on, practice using the yet to be purchased bike lock, purchasing said lock, etc.. This week we finally got organized. The lock was purchased (thank you Target), the empty backpack was stuffed with make shift school "weight", and off Michael and Nikolas went on the dummy run! It went off without a hitch, Nikolas was deemed ready and eager!
Monday was his first ride to and from school. Dad saw him on his way while I greeted him at the corner of our neighborhood, yes, with camera in hand. He met the neighborhood kids at the pre-arranged meeting spot and waited. He had instruction that if nobody was there by a certain time, he was to ride on. Arriving late to school is not acceptable! Meet them he did, and he was on his merry way! Success!! Unfrotunately, the ride home wasn't so... He went around a dirt corner and gravity got the better of him. Nikolas meet pavement, pavement meet Nikolas! Can't have been too bad, he was smiling as I greeted him!
Friday he was at it again. I drove Mia to school under the guise of wanting to see Nikolas and his croney's on their bikes. The other kids our much more proficient riders, leaving Nikolas in the dust. He's rather like Kermit on a bike, only he's not green. Just green from lack of experience! Didn't seem to phase him, he smiled as I honked at him (he managed to stay upright on his wheels!) and yelled out a greeting. I, however, had a tear in my eye. My little fellow, not so little anymore... Still thin as a rail but growing up!
Again, I was at my corner, armed with my trusty workhorse of a camera! Greeting all the kids but not seeing Nikolas in my viewfinder. Until!! Here he is!! Smiling again!
I made my own storyboard for PS6. I like the ability to put a sequence of pictures side by side to tell an action story. Such as this handsome fellow riding his bike home! Feel free to download and use for your own personal use. Download 3 Horizontal Storyboard by SSL
This morning was the Short Pump Mile. Our third year participating in this event: Nikolas' third mile run and Mia's first. She had been too young in years past to run the mile, rather, running the 400 yard. I was up at the crack of dawn, before the sun in fact, for my volunteer stint at the microchip station. Three other women and I handed out the chips with instructions to put them on their right ankles. Amazing how many children don't know their right from their left...
Nikolas ran alternately ran/walked first. He was smart, unplanned, and wore a bright blue shirt, making him easier to spot in amongst the masses. Once again, as was the case last year, he was situated beside a fellow swimmer, at the start of the race. At the back of the mob where things were less chaotic - smart boy! Timid as he is, battling the crowd is not his thing and I don't blame him. When Mia and I caught up to him, he was walking. We had to encourage him to pick up the pace! He finished in 9 minutes 29 sec, an improvement from the 9 minutes 47 seconds of last year.
Another storyboard! Can't share this one, it's not mine. Sorry.
Mia was more difficult to locate, she had on the same race provided shirt that all the other 7 and under girl runners had on. We have been inconsistently training for this, preparing her for the increased distance. Some walking was involved but she managed to shave a minute from the time Michael last clocked her at having completed on a training run. No pictures of the Midget running. Michael had the camera and things are a bit blurry...
Hope your weekend was as active as ours!
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